Jan 20, 2013

Sleepy Sunday Cocktails for People with Colds

I love holiday weekends, not only because I get an extra day off of work (which with my normal Fridays off means I get a 4-day weekend!) but also because it means I get to spend an extra day with my all-time favorite guy, Caleb <3

Yeah, that's a little mushy, but it's cool. Because we live in different cities, we can really only see each other on the weekends, which is tough when it comes to the love of your life. I mean, come on! Anyway, even a little thing like infectious illnesses won't keep us a part; I've been sick and coughing for about three weeks now, and he's been toughing out the worst of it lately. But we've made the best of our long weekend, staying in pretty much ALL DAY, playing games, watching Star Trek, reading... and I guess not much else. All in the pursuit of rest and health, of course... er, at least we made our Sunday cocktails with a sense of healing, kind of.

For Caleb's rough cough, I made him a honey-lemon hot toddy, and for me, an amped up, Vitamin-C rich orange dreamsicle.

Caleb working on his Phantoon battle in Super Metroid... a surefire way to get over a nasty cold.
You can kind of see the mug of his yummy hot toddy in the far right.

Jan 13, 2013

Book Reveiw: Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow

Ender's Shadow is Orson Scott Card's parallel novel to Ender's Game... the two stories take place during pretty much the same time period. They also seem in to generate the kind of relationship parallel universes would have: distinct existences uncomfortably close together, surged by similarities but ultimately rendered apart by their polarities.
Watch out: spoiler alert!